Tuesday, 21 August 2012


At the moment I'm completely obsessed with this shirt that I sort of borrowed/stole/acquired from my wonderous bf. A proper 'boyfriend shirt'! It's a towl checkered grungey number, oversized ofcourse. I've been wearing it as a shirt, jacket, dress...I don't know what I'd do without it now, and a few days ago my bf said I could have it! Hurrah. On this note, I've found a few other boyfriend-esque shirts that I've fallen in love with, and will act as acceptable replacements should BF decide he needs this one back...(he won't). They're from Lazy Oaf, which i've only just discovered. Lazy Oaf sell really good printed shirts, skater dresses etc. An excellent find...
3. X Batman Logo Shirt (£65)

Monday, 20 August 2012


Being broke right now I can't afford an amazing bright block colour satchel/handbag/clutch, but that's not gonna stop me! I transformed an average handbag in to a dream this afternoon, and here's how...

Take an old handbag, preferably one that is plain and pale in colour (I found this PVC one in a charity shop for around £2). A bag with a slight texture to it will work best, as it will hold the colour and create good effects with the paint after a bit of wear and tear

I went for a fuscia pink, I considered neon, but Autumn/Winter is on it's way and I wanted something that would be flexible throughout the seasons. I used a fabric paint by Pebeo called 'Setacolor Opaque' in no. 64 'Oriental Red'. I watered it down to about a 3/4 consistency

I used an old decorating paintbrush as big strokes look better, and it takes less time. I didn't pay much attention to neatness as the messier the better with this. Though I was sure to cover all areas of the bag including a couple of inches on the inside. Once it started to dry I brushed over it again and pressed colour in to all the nooks and crannies. I then left it outside for a few hours to dry

4) TA DA! 
It's now night time and the bag is dry! I'm happy with it, though it will look even better after a couple of wears when the paint chips a bit and white starts to show through. I may even re-paint it a different colour somewhere down the line. A DIY look is key here, so don't go wearing any matching pink shoes now! I will wear my special dream bag with a black shirt and denim shorts

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

NAUSEA BABY - A battle between Fine Art and Meadham Kirchhoff

Meadham Kirchhoff is a designer collaboration that makes pieces fitting for a fancy dress bargain bin. Me and my friend Natalie used to go to our local fancy dress shop whenever we felt depressed (which was regularly, you'll be happy to hear). We were students on a fine art course, and when that sweet and elusive inspiration didn't come, we'd go buy some bits from the £1 bin at one of Nottingham's fancy dress shops. It always made us feel better, especially once when Natalie let me borrow the money to hire a two person horse costume. 

I like Meadham Kirchhoff (aka Edward Meadham and Benjamin Kirchhoff) because what they make is kind of disgusting anti-fashion. It's nausea all over. It disgusts me, and I love it. 

P.S. Because I'm Bitter, I'm gonna go to Twitter.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


I have a slight fetish for sunglasses, apparently. I didn't choose it, it chose me. A quick look in to my 'top draw' (aka. draw of junk/jewels and sentimentals) reveals a staggering collection of sunglasses and glasses...ranging from the novelty to the everyday, that I've accidentally collected over years. Similarly, I seem to have a fetish for novelty t-shirts, but that's a different story. So, you can imagine my delight on discovering this range of sunglasses by A-MORIR. I'm a huge sucker for embellishment, kitsch and bad taste. Fortunatly they tick all boxes. Here are my favourites...

I mean really, could they get any better? No. And the above frames are pretty tame compared to some of the designs on offer. Each pair is made by hand, to order, with customisation options available. Therefore the hefty price tag of  around £250 a pair is justified...kind of.  A-Morir creator and designer Kerin Rose Weinberg says she's inspired by 'her time spent studying classical music as a child combined with her lifelong love of rock and roll'. Furthermore, Weinberg cites music from the 1920's, 1970's and the 1990's as inspiration for the spring/summer collection. Wow...I'm in love.

1) Bootsy ($275.00), 2) Dio ($350.00), 3) Cass ($400.00), 4) Simone ($350.00), 5) Lena ($320.00), 6) Betty ($280.00)

Friday, 3 August 2012


Illustrator Harriet Gray has created my favourite thing of the day...or even week! Temporary tattoos of kittens faces. There is a kitschiness and charm to fake tattoos that really wins the day. As a kid in the 90's I used to get the fake kind inside this chewing gum, and sometimes from 'Smash Hits' magazine. I think the time has come to re-discover this 90's dream. Excited!

Set of 7 tattoos - £10 (Also available from Harriet's Etsy shop)